Learn to write a resignation acceptance letter. Sample emails and letters to accept an employee's resignation, explain company resignation policies, and confirm the last day of work.California's labor laws do require you to give at least 72 hours' notice if you want your final paycheck at the time you leave. A resignation acceptance letter is a formal way to acknowledge that you accept your employee's request to resign. California laws say that, in general, you are not required to give your employers two weeks notice – or any notice – prior to quitting or leaving a job. It is not mandatory to accept the resignation in writing. Employees who do not give three days' notice or more must wait three days for their employer to deliver or mail their paycheck. If the resignation was verbal, you may ask the employee to complete a resignation notice to document the conversation. Most employers ask employees to provide at least two weeks' notice of an intent to quit. If the employee resigns without notice, the employer has 72 hours from the time of resignation to provide the final paycheck.