However, your employer doesn't have to accept your reversal and can go through with your resignation, meaning you will be out of a job. This document provides an overview of the impact on your FCPS benefit programs upon termination of employment.Fill out the appropriate form, obtain all required signatures, and return the form to the Office of the University Registrar. Resignation acceptance letter template. Finally, when a claimant's assignment for a temporary agency ends, the claimant is considered to be discharged. Hayfield Secondary withdraws from playoffs amid recruiting scandal, athetic director out. These guidelines outline procedures to be followed when responding to a request to withdraw a student from a Fairfax County Public School. Because the process of resigna- tion relates to a number of other. Select either "Resignation (HR-2)" or "Retirement from FCPS (HR-2)" in the StaffConnect incident type. Leaving any of the items listed below out of your local Constitution and ByLaws or not informing the.