Be direct and to the point and, in the first sentence, acknowledge the receipt of their letter of resignation and formally accept it. Learn how to write a short notice resignation letter with this stepbystep guide, template and examples of formal resignation.If you're planning to quit your job here is the compilation of the best resignation letter samples to help you easily draft your resignation letter. The letter is not necessary as long as you are classified as an employee giving notice is just a curtesy its not a law. Understand termination letter and separation notice requirements for each applicable U.S. state with this helpful guide to stay compliant. In the professional world, resigning from a job is an inevitable part of career growth and change. If the employee is discharged, they must receive their final wages within 3 days (Nevada Revised Statutes 680.020-NRS 608.040). In the subject line of the email, include your name and the word "resignation.