Be direct and to the point and, in the first sentence, acknowledge the receipt of their letter of resignation and formally accept it. Non-Licensed employees voluntarily terminating their employment should submit notice of their intentions at least two (2) weeks prior to their final workday.An agency may choose to accept an employee's request to rescind his or her resignation within 30 calendar days of separation. Accepting a resignation early without paying the employee for the notice period can have consequences, if the employee gave more than two weeks' notice. In the first paragraph of a resignation acceptance letter, employers should directly acknowledge the employee's intention to resign. I will document and share the status of my projects and, if desired, assist in the search for a replacement. Best,. The teacher shall request release from contract at least two weeks in advance of intended date of resignation. The reason is that your employer is not obligated to accept the 30 days of notice time. No, employers don't need to keep employees on for the full twoweek period once they receive a resignation letter. One of the first steps in a good resignation policy is to acknowledge you accept an employee's request to resign.