You must complete and file the necessary court forms to get your divorce judgment. Local Forms, Adoption Forms, Family Law Forms, Juvenile Forms, Probate and Court Investigator's Forms, Small Claims Forms, Traffic FormsAll divorce documents must be filed at the Hayward Hall of Justice located at 24405 Amador Street, Hayward, CA 94544. To serve a subpoena in California, you have to take a blank civil subpoena (for personal cases or Duces Tecum) form to the court clerk to stamp and sign on it. Call (510) 794-2887 or fill out the short form below. We will usually respond within 1 business day but often do so the same day. Generally there are either preprinted forms in the public defender's office or clerk of courts that are used to formally request discovery. I am doing my divorce pro se, Im attempting to file for discovery. I was told to use form 35.5. A good place to start when researching the California court procedures for divorce or separation is the California Courts SelfHelp website.