The document provides two sample request letters asking for financial assistance to pay hospital bills. Keep a record of all the calls that you make to the hospital about your bill and write a letter to the hospital that says what you and the hospital.Financial Assistance Applications are available to any patient who expresses a need for financial help. We will accept your application for up to 240 days following the first billing statement for your care. Does anyone in your household want help paying for medical bills from the last 3 months? Advocate's financial assistance program provides discounts to patients (up to 100 percent of hospital charges) who meet financial eligibility guidelines. Such evidence may include hospital bills, paystubs, bank statements, or a letter from the employer. Sample. Janet Franklin 500 W Arlington Ave, Apt 701. You may be able to receive free or discounted care. To request assistance for hospital services, select a Patient Financial Assistance Packet below.