Following the issuance of the letter of request, the American litigant must bring an application for an order to enforce the request to a Canadian court located. Examination for discovery is the out-of-court examination (questioning) under oath of the parties to an action (lawsuit).Your first step will be to prepare and file a Statement of Claim with the Registry. Rules 169 to 299 of the Federal Courts Rules will give you information. Arranging the Examinations for Discovery. You arrange an examination for discovery using an Appointment to Examine for Discovery (Form 23). Discovery is the process through which a party learns or discovers the evidence and arguments the adversary intends to rely on in the law suit. You'll find the perfect starting ground for your discovery responseas well as guidance, drafting notes, and alternate and optional clauses. Form 22 requires you to set out the location and time that the documents you have listed (other than the privileged documents) can be inspected. Canadian court should enforce the letter of request.