New Rule 26.2 divides all civil cases into three "tiers" and prescribes presumptive discovery limits and time frames for completion of discovery for each tier. Listed below are sample disclosure and discovery requests, which are subject to the numeric limits as stated in Rule 26.2(f) including uniform interrogatories.It requires each party send to the other party a detailed statement with the specific positions the party proposes to resolve all issues. You should be able to make a discovery request with the court. They may have forms that you can fill out. How do I submit a Discovery Request for radar calibration, maintenance, and officer training records as a motion to the court? A discovery request is an official inquiry for information. In this situation, you aren't ordering the other party to provide information. Seventeen questions and answers about Family Code Section 6309 the new law permitting (and limiting) discovery in domestic violence restraining orders. View Test prep S Para1 test2 from ECO 3 at University of Phoenix. 1.