Discovery is a way to get the information you need to support your case in court or make informed decisions before you reach an agreement. To end a marriage or registered domestic partnership in California you must either file for a divorce or an annulment.Read on to learn more about how to file for divorce in Riverside County and how Divorce Esquire can represent you in your uncontested divorce. This guide is intended to be a roadmap that will give you a preview of expectations and mistakes to avoid. Here are 10 basic steps to the divorce process. The scope of a discovery request is pretty broad; it includes all unprivileged information relating to the divorce process. Discovery is a legal term referring to a fact-finding process that takes place after a divorce action has been filed and before the start of trial. Request for Orders in Family Court. A request for order, or RFO, is the act of formally asking a judge to make orders in a legal matter. This is a request for the court to order the other party to respond to the propounded discovery.