Discovery is the process of gathering and exchanging evidence for a court case from the other side. This article explains "requests for production," which are a tool for gathering evidence in a lawsuit as part of discovery.This Discovery Request Form may be submitted in person or mailed to the Magnolia Municipal Court, 18111 Buddy Riley Blvd.,. In support of this Motion, the Defendant would show the Court as follows: 1. In general, Texas has very few official legal forms. The Instructions for Completing the Orders – currently under the Temporary Ex Parte Order form – apply to all orders, including the MOEP. In Texas, the discovery process is meant to expedite litigation and encourage parties to reach a settlement before their trial date. This Discovery Request Form may be submitted in person at the Cedar Park Municipal Court, 911 Quest Pkwy, Cedar Park, TX, 78613. Do I file them with the clerk? What about a response to a discovery request?