Keep reading to learn about legal discovery and, in particular, discovery requests, why they're important, and how to issue them. First, you need discovery to fully prepare your case for trial.If you are searching for practice pointers on how to create and handle written discovery in civil litigation, read this article to learn more. You will need to respond to all written discovery within 5 days of receiving it from us as discussed below. This article will focus on discovery being propounded to the opposing party, how to effectively use discovery, and will practical pointers. The discovery process is an important part of legal cases. The Primer provides attorneys with five practice pointers on how to comply with the requirements of amended Rule 34, each of which is summarized below. First, you need discovery to get the information you need to fully prepare your case for trial. Court name, address, and branch. Discovery responses that include responding to an opposing party's request for documents in a divorce case.