Defense attorneys must use this form to request discovery on their cases until further notice. Take the application form to your doctor to complete section 2, other relevant sections, sign section 12 and attach any test results, clinical.Sciences to secure the services of eminent members of appropriate professions in. Quit my job and spent so much time filling out paperwork to get back on Medicaid. A shower chair is so important for me. Requests for support may be made 24 hours a day via the NRC or directly to the EPA Radiological Response Coordinator in the Office of Radiation Programs. This form is to be completed when there is a single patient who would benefit from treatment of a drug or device that has not received FDA approval. Complete one application form for each applicant. Fill in the form in black ink and print clearly, or complete the form digitally. On April 21, 2000, the court granted the plaintiffs' request for both monetary damages and equitable relief.