The board of directors shall have the general direction of the affairs of the corporation and shall meet not less than once each month. For future reference, when a meeting is without a quorum, the meeting should still be called to order.You can't have a quorum unless you have a properly called and noticed meeting. Mass. General Law allows meetings to be held remotely until. Without a quorum, there is no "meeting" for purposes of the Alabama Open Meetings Act unless the meeting of less than a quorum constitutes a serial meeting. A quorum of town councilors should not engage in discussion on matters within the town council's jurisdiction outside of a posted town council meeting. These solicitations offer to complete corporate meeting minutes on behalf of the corporation for a fee. Before or after the meeting, or attends or participates in the meeting without ob- jection. The statute does not require any special form of notice. Basic meeting information must be noted, such as start time, end time, date, and place.