The attorneys at Martindale Law handle contract drafting, negotiation and enforcement for clients in Broward County and throughout South Florida. A binding, legally enforceable contract can be in writing or oral.Oral contracts are agreements that have been spoken, but not written. Florida Association of Legal Business Document Preparers (FALDP) offers Non Lawyer Business Practices Legal Document Preparer Services in Florida. At Martindale Law, we help clients in the Broward County area and South Florida resolve the disputes that arise out of contracts and agreements. At Michael L. Feinstein, PA, we help businesses and individuals create enforceable contracts that allow them to avoid a breach of contract lawsuits. Contract law shapes many facets of everyday life, including the relationships between employees and their employers. Without consideration, there is no enforceable contract in Florida. In business litigation, Florida courts will not enforce an agreement if the agreement is unconscionable. A contract is a legally binding agreement between parties to do or not do something.