Advice from a US attorney for companies expanding to the US on understanding the differences between US and UK contract law. The answer to this question is that there is no reason why two parties in the US and in England can't create an effective and legally enforceable contract.The simple answer to this question is yes, a UK lawyer can work in California. However, there are important steps to take before you can do this. A recent California case may force companies doing business with foreign entities to reconsiderand maybe rewritetheir contracts. A notable exception is California, which holds that parties may waive their right to a jury trial only after a lawsuit has been filed. English contract law is the body of law that regulates legally binding agreements in England and Wales. Contract defences are meant to shield people from unfairness during the negotiating process or in the contract's material. Guidance on writing a legally valid contract in British Columbia. Free legal information for the public.