English contract law is the body of law that regulates legally binding agreements in England and Wales. This module aims to develop a knowledge and understanding of the English law of contract and the techniques of common law legal reasoning.An Act to make provision as to the law applicable to contractual obligations in the case of conflict of laws. How to start a case in the King's Bench, part of the High Court which deals with claims such as personal injury, libel and contract law. It provides a comprehensive and rigorous introduction to law and practice in preparation for the SQE and a legal career as a solicitor or barrister. This module guide is designed to help you to study the Contract law of England and Wales. Both charters set out what the king could and could not do. Prior to this, there have been various perpetuity periods applicable to trusts. Merchant custom was most influential in the coastal trading ports like London, Boston, Hull and King's Lynn.