Explore breach of contract law in California, including key legal concepts, common issues, and valuable resources. A legal contract exists only when one party makes an offer and the other accepts all terms of that offer.Legal purpose: The purpose of the agreement must not break the law. A judge can't enforce a contract to do something illegal, like sell illegal drugs. Contract Law For Dummies tracks to a typical contracts course and assists you in understanding the foundational legal rules controlling voluntary agreements. Learn how to handle various real estate contracts and clauses in this DRE-approved real estate continuing education course. Contract Law For Dummies tracks to a typical contracts course and assists you in understanding the foundational legal rules controlling voluntary agreements. 12-0917), approved a qualified list of law firms for attorney services for the City s Debt Management Program; and. Exhibits A through K are attached to and form a part of this Contract. A knowledgeable and experienced attorney with experience in real property transactions and litigation can guide you through the various legal concerns.