If you are charged with another DWI while your license is revoked from a previous DWI, you can now face seizure and vehicle forfeiture. • Act as your attorney in court.• Tell you what to say in court or how to properly fill out court forms. A notice of default and intent to forfeit shall specify the nature of the default, the amount of the default if the default is in the payment terms. Civil asset forfeiture, sometimes called civil seizure, is a highly controversial process developed at the height of the War on Drugs in the 1970s. A purchaser's right to exercise an option to purchase property under an option contract cannot be forfeited unless a breach has occurred. This Help Topic covers the seizure of vehicles for impaired driving and felony speeding to elude arrest. It does not address other vehicle seizures. It is a bit of an understatement to say that forfeitures are not favored in the law and are granted only in the most compelling circumstances. The agreement was a valid contract, and since Feb.