Vendors that bid on County Contracts must submit documents that show their compliance with local, state and federal laws. A comprehensive, fully searchable listing of all Awarded County Contract documents.We can help you draft, review, and negotiate residential contracts that protect you from potential risks and disputes. Legal aid organization which provides free or low cost legal services to persons with low incomes. Below are frequently asked questions regarding the MiamiDade Arts Support (MAS) Grants Program for organizations. The Women's Fund creates a stronger MiamiDade through grantmaking, advocacy, research and leveraging collective impact. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. All grantees will be required to complete a final report to substantiate the use of grant funds. A: No. The MiamiDade Arts Support Program funds cultural businesses and arts organizations. In the event the Owner or Contractor prevent the City from inspecting the Project for purposes of assuring compliance with this Agreement or with the Contract.