In studying full-time, you'll study the English legal system, legal method, public law, and contract law in the first year. Studying LAW1108 Contract Law at Middlesex University London?English contract law is the body of law that regulates legally binding agreements in England and Wales. On Studocu you find all the lecture notes, summaries and study guides you need to pass your exams with better grades. Commercial Law at Middlesex University is designed to enhance students' professional development through critical understanding of issues in commercial law. Once you have found a course, simply fill out the "Request Information" form with your details. FindAMasters. Search Postgraduate Masters Degrees in Contract Law at Middlesex University. An Introduction to the Programme. The LLB Honours Law with International Relations Programme is offered at Middlesex University campuses in London and Dubai. Contracting parties should ensure that they scrupulously follow the process set out in the contract.