Business formation attorney Hank Doyle has assisted LLC's and businesses for over 25 years in selecting the right business type. At Anderson Jones, PLLC, our Raleigh-based contract law attorneys provide clients with award-winning, reliable guidance and support.Small Business Attorney Wake Forest: Hiring the right attorney can make all the difference when it comes to the legal side of your company. Can you write your own business contracts or should you work with a lawyer? We're looking at what you need to do to make a contract legally binding. SBA staff sizes have decreased while: (a) most set-aside programs have grown significantly; (b) value of federal SB contracts increased. Find the best business attorney serving Wake County. This will be the first in a series of blog entries discussing, at a high level, contract dos and don'ts for small businesses and entrepreneurs. My practice focuses on representing businesses, in and out of court, and appeals. Can I represent my business in small claims court?