The general rule is that contracts do not need to be in writing. The exception would be the contracts falling under the statute of frauds.Yes hand written contracts fulfilling the requirements of law are fully engorceable in a court of law. An injunction will be granted if the court decides from the facts of the particular case that it is necessary to protect the public interest. 2. Certainly, a nonlawyer is permitted to negotiate a contract on behalf of an organization without committing the unauthorized practice of law. Customer: Hello, I am an independent contractor in the state of Washington. Nothing Requires That Lawyers Be in Charge of Contract Drafting. Make certain all oral agreements are written into the contract and be sure all blank spaces are filled in or crossed out before you sign it. I agree with Attorney Kwan that it depends on for whom you are preparing the contract (or other legal paper)yourself, or someone else. But no "black letter law" is without its exceptions.