Most court documents are provided as PDF files. We can answer questions about your case, help you figure out which forms you need and how to fill them out, and explain different legal options.In this video I will show you how to navigate the Court's website to obtain information on how to e-file in civil family law probate adoptions. Read the latest Information, Local Rules, and FAQs for the Alameda Superior Court of California Civil Courts. Is your principal place of business in Alameda County? A good place to start when researching the California court procedures for divorce or separation is the California Courts SelfHelp website. This video explains the service of process in small claims cases and what you need to know about serving your small claims forms. Per State law, tenant information in the Rent Registry is considered "confidential" and is exempt from disclosure under the California Public Records Act. Any person violating a law, rule or regulation while visiting shall be subject to warning, termination of their visit, or suspension. Sign Up. To create a free account, please fill out the form below.