The online chapters which form part of this book deal with torts, or issues arising from Tort Law, which do not feature as commonly in Torts curricula. There is discussion of.This chapter will explore the law of torts. Torts can be intentional torts, negligent torts, or strict liability torts. The book covers all of the major topics in tort law. Topics include liability for physical injuries, as well as emotional, dignitary, and economic harms. Presenting the law of tort as a body of principles, this authoritative textbook gives an incisive understanding of the subject. In the absence of contracts, tort law holds individuals legally accountable for the consequences of their actions. A tort is a civil wrong in the sense that it is committed against an individual (which includes legal entities such as companies) rather than the state. Each tort cause of action is separately named and defined, each with its own rules of liability, defenses, and damages.