In the state of Georgia, all certified law enforcement personnel are required to complete a minimum of __________ hours in-service training. What is the minimum age for POST law enforcement certification in Georgia?Records from investigation of cases that are unsolved, but otherwise closed, are subject to the Act's disclosure requirements. I will never employ unnecessary force. In the performance of their duty, law enforcement officials shall respect and protect human dignity and maintain and uphold the human rights of all persons. Function of law enforcement is prevention, not manufacture, of crime. It is our hope in the LGD that the Student Handbook and Reference Book can serve law enforcement students and law enforcement officers alike. Each of these individuals is experienced in the area of crime scene investigation and evidence collection in the criminal justice system from the standpoints of. Principles of De-Escalation; First Responder Self-Care; Practical Exercises. The Conservation Law Enforcement program at ATC is one of the two Conservation Law associate degree programs in the state of Georgia.