Except for discovery motions, no prior permission is required for filing a motion. The King's Law (Danish: Kongeloven) or Lex Regia was the absolutist constitution of Denmark and Norway from 1665 until 1849 and 1814, respectively.The Lord God established a law which gives only mankind the legal authority to exercise dominion and control over planet earth. They are as follows: -Every inhabitant of the kingdom, great or small, will pay their taxes to fund public works, services, and defense. The central point of King's argument, which he takes from Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, is that there is a law higher than human law. The question was whether there's a general codified rule that says "anything done on orders of the King is lawful even if it contradicts the law". When you give a gift to a king you place a demand on his wealth because now he has to give you a gift in return but his gift must show that his glory is greater Just laws are rooted in universal principles of fairness, while unjust laws are not. Hammurabi, the exalted prince, who feared God, to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers. Both charters set out what the king could and could not do.