Since 1914, Maryland has had laws requiring solid waste to be handled in a manner that minimizes the risk posed to public health and the environment. Materials are solid wastes if they are recycled, or accumulated, stored, or treated before recycling, as follows: (1) Used in a Manner Constituting Disposal.Online Hazardous Waste Generator Training. The training is approximately 30 minutes in length and can be taken at any time. Please note that our facility is permitted to process solid waste only. Under Maryland's solid waste management scheme, it appears that burying items in a farm dump is not permissible. a. Maryland Underground Storage Tanks. The universal waste regulations do require that the materials be managed in a way that prevents releases to the environment. A HWDF must be filled out for any spent waste (not in original container) with more than one chemical component (excluding water). (1) This section establishes procedures under which waste from a particular generating facility may be excluded from the lists in COMAR 26.13.