We also offer an online portal where you can fill out and submit your petitions and all petitionrelated forms online. Explore the fundamentals of contract law from key elements to the different types to what constitutes a breach of contract.To schedule your free initial consultation at our Oakland office, call us at 510-208-5500 or contact us online. Each Agent must: Agreement Form,. 1) Complete and submit a signed, copy of this Online Permitting Contractor User. Oakland employers are subject to the federal, state and Oakland minimum wage laws. Amid increasing pressure on supply chains across the globe, multiple recent court opinions have disrupted the law of requirements contracts. Essentially, each party gives something up to get something in return. Capacity. In the aftermath of Airboss, the future direction of the law of requirements contracts and the Statute of Frauds remains to be seen. Online content updated on November 13, 2024.