On this site you will find information about our department relative to police reform initiatives, use of force statistics, demographics, and training. Employees on or off duty shall a.As part of your basic training you are required to participate in the Basic Academy Physical. This document is your reference and guide to preforming your law enforcement duties and responsibilities for the Park Ranger Division. The role of law enforcement is to safeguard life, dignity, and liberty of all persons, without prejudice to anyone. Examples of disciplinary rules and enforcement procedures are included in the appendix for individual agency consideration. DEFINITION. Under close supervision, Police Officer Recruits participate in a basic law enforcement training program, at the Sacramento Police Academy. To perform a variety of routine, non-sworn law enforcement office and field work. 5 law enforcement jobs available in Sacramento, CA on SacJobs. This magnet academy includes all basic high school course requirements plus specialized training in the field of law enforcement.