These rules contain requirements relating to persons or organizations that treat, store, or disposal of nonhazardous solid waste. Individuals who treat, store or dispose of hazardous waste must comply with a permit.It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or dump garbage, ashes, market waste, paper boxes, cartons, trade waste, construction waste. The health department regulates the transport, processing, and disposal of different types of waste in Salt Lake County. Extra Compost Containers: Request up to two yard waste cans for temporary placement. Fill out this form or call 801-535-6999 to request. Must keep in garbage cans; not permitted to blow into street or neighbors' yards; do not sweep into street. This Act is popularly referred to as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, after the short title of the law that amended the. Utah has responsibility for permitting Treatment, Storage, and. 64E-16.001. General. (1). This rule prescribes minimum sanitary practices relating to the management of biomedical waste, including segregation, handling,.