You will need to draft your own pleading or motion on pleading paper. Bystep guide to filling out and filing your papers in court can be found on the California Courts website.Librarians cannot tell you which forms to use or help you fill out forms as it is in violation of our Legal Information Service Policy. LASSD provides free, high-quality legal assistance to people in San Diego County who are lower income or may be vulnerable in other ways. We have created a civil lawsuit checklist for you to use as you go through the process of initiating a lawsuit. The SDCBA's Legal Ethics Committee issues advisory opinions regarding the ethical propriety of hypothetical attorney conduct. California Rules of Court, rule 5.552 (hereinafter "rule 5.552"). (Copies attached.) 3). Comment on a Docketed Item: Members of the public who wish to speak on a docketed item must fill out a speaker slip. We use the most uptodate software and tools to ensure that all necessary forms are completed accurately and in accordance with current legal standards.