You will develop a solid understanding of the principles and concepts used in the law of trusts in England and Wales, covering the main forms of trust property. Learn the fundamental principles of Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Professional Responsibility, Property, and Torts.Law, BA, BS Degree Requirements - 126 credits. Students can earn a Bachelor of Arts degree or a Bachelor of Science degree with this major. The University of Suffolk provides students with a firm grounding in the subject of law and the contexts in which law functions. Introduces the field of business law. Provides an overview of the organization and operation of the American legal system, court system and legal procedure. 1. All students must complete 84 credits. 2. Recognized as one of the top US law schools in legal writing, dispute resolution, intellectual property, trial advocacy, and clinical training. The complete Fall 2024 Exam Schedule will be posted on the Suffolk Law School website.