The Office of Administrative Rules provides analysis form templates, rulewriting guides, and other resources to assist in the rulemaking process. Citations to Case Law.Applicants for admission to the Utah State Bar must complete a character and fitness questionnaire and request a character and fitness report from the NCBE. Utah law requires that some types of agreements must be in writing. Fill out the field placement confirmation form if you already have a placement in mind. Then, the Division of Administrative Rules publishes the rule in the Utah Administrative Code (UAC). See Rule 11-614 for details on the compliance reporting process and fees. Thus, manufacturers and distributors must provide a digital version of their products' law label to retailers selling their items in the state. As of 2023, Arizona is the only state that allows fee sharing with nonlawyers. The "practice of law" in Utah is defined in Rule 14-802(b)(1), Authorization to Practice Law, of the Supreme Court Rules of Professional Practice.