It usually means you have until pm on the due date itself. Document Deadline - This is the last day to submit supporting documentation and pay the fee for your petition (if applicable).E.g. if an application were due December 15th, would this mean up until on the 14th, or does submitting sometime on the 15th work too? Learn about the application process for first year students. The 2024 Initiative Filing Deadline is July 3, 2024. Document Deadline - This is the last day to submit supporting documentation and pay the fee for your petition (if applicable). Voters should remember to sign and date the return envelope, and to include a phone number in case election officials need to follow up with you. ESA applications are currently being accepted for the next contract year (2024-2025). Do I need to submit an application to report Arizona withholding taxes? Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form allows you to be considered for federal student aid.