The following information has been developed to answer your questions regarding formation of an LLC and to assist in the filing of the Articles of Organization. We help covered businesses comply with fair employment standards while increasing representation of minorities and women in their workforce.NOTICE: UCC documents filed with the Department of State are public records that are subject to disclosure under the Uniform Commercial Code. Intheblanks form authorizing a filing agent to efile documents on behalf of an individual attorney. The Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal (PASSPort) is a database of information of vendors who do business with the City of New York. Vendors and schools may call the Vendor Hotline with questions about working with the DOE or making purchases with new vendors. Please use the checklist below for the completion and submission of forms required for processing your employment. Call (347) 271-7166 for business, car, life insurance and more. Get a free quote from State Farm Agent Hector Camilo Jr in Bronx, NY. Submission of a complete and accurate form is required for any entity to enter into an affordablehousing transaction.