This Settlement Agreement, which includes the Recitals and all Exhibits attached hereto. All County Agreements, including this Agreement, are subject to all applicable laws adopted in the Cuyahoga County Code, including but not limited. 12.NOTE: A SEPARATE FORM IS TO BE FILLED OUT FOR REQUEST FOR ARBITRATION IF NO. RESPONSE IS RECEIVED WITHIN TWENTY-ONE (21) CALENDAR DAYS AFTER SUBMISSION OF STEP. Applicants must complete and submit the PY 2022 Cuyahoga County Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant Reimbursement Form. With this contract" in the third WHEREAS clause. WHEREAS, the County Council of Cuyahoga County, Ohio established the Cuyahoga. Venue is proper in a court of competent jurisdiction in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. E. Unenforceable Provision. The sample agreement in.