Once your forms are complete, file them with the Clerk of Court's office in the appropriate county or online using the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal. Submit one Part 1 of 3 with the first filing, Part 2 of 3 with the second filing, and.Before submitting a proposed order through the E-Filing Portal, the accompanying motion should be filed. Click on the "Choice File" button, Select the file to be uploaded and then click on the Open button. v. The name must be distinguishable on the records of the Department of State. Once you register, you may file in all state courts in Florida. This document serves as a training guide and support manual for dispensers of Schedule. On any page of the filing process, you may select Save to Workbench which will save the submission on your Workbench and allow you to submit it at a later date. What is the difference between filing with the court and submitting to the court? Submitting Out-of-State Certificates.