When you invest in shortterm rentals or any other property type in Texas, your rental income is not subject to income tax. Further, Tenant shall also pay as Additional Rent any tax or excise on rents, gross receipts tax, or other tax, however described, which is levied or assessed.Texas law allows landlords to collect "reasonable" late fees if any portion of the rent remains unpaid more than two full days after it was due. Most Texas rental applications require proof of income, which can include pay stubs, bank statements, tax returns, or an offer letter. All rental income must be reported on your tax return, and in general the associated expenses can be deducted from your rental income. Choose a reputable platform providing customizable templates. Fill in the necessary details as per the property and tenant information. A rent receipt is a form that helps landlords and tenants prove the tenant paid the rent and that the landlord received the payment. For example, if a barn is located on the property to be leased but is not included in the lease agreement, the agreement should explicitly state the same. - P.O. Box 3746 Houston, TX 77253-3746.