These agreements can be called: a marital settlement agreement, separation agreement, or property settlement agreement. A submission agreement is a contract between two parties that establishes the use of arbitration to settle any disputes that may arise between them.A contract consists of a legally binding agreement or promise between parties. Arbitration is a process for settling disputes related to the contract. Many contracts contain a mandatory arbitration clause. Department staff will complete its underwriting and construction review within 70 days of the receipt of a complete viability review submission package. The provisions are set forth in the Tax-General Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Likewise, when a party starts an arbitration proceeding in the absence of an arbitration agreement, the opposing party may need to seek a court. With this submission. 1. Subtitle 6 - Howard County Library System -- Collective Bargaining Section 23-608 - Agreement Date; Impasse; Submission of Disputes to Mediation.