A loan agreement is a legal document between a creditor who lends money to a borrower that is repaid with interest. The contract defines the borrower and lender, the amount of money lent, the interest rate, and how long the borrower has to pay it back.Detail and formalize the terms of a loan with our free loan agreement template and make the lending process easier for all parties involved. Looking for a personal loan agreement template to use for your business? We've got a template ready to be customized for your needs today. To do this, the lender must complete a POA certification. Lenders may use this sample document, provided it is on the lender's letterhead. After completing the classes, the applicant can submit their application form with supporting documents to the MPDU Application Portal. WHEREAS, The Lender agrees to lend a fixed amount of money;. To apply, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).