When the user fills out the Post form and than clicks the "Add comment" button, without submitting the form, a new empty comment is added. To handle form changes and submissions, use the phx-change and phx-submit events.In general, it is preferred to handle input changes at the form level. Go to EPR Web Portal to fill out a new application or pay fees. Certara's PK Submit is a plug-in for Phoenix that helps scientists dramatically increase the speed to complete a non-compartmental analysis (NCA). Prior to submitting civil plans, ensure the following items are complete (if applicable):. ➢ Plot plan or Site plan is approved. The phxtriggeraction option is ideal when you need to do final validations just before submitting form data via an HTTP request from a LiveView. It is recommended that you submit ALL exhibits at one time with one submission form. Most attorneys must file briefs, motions and other documents in the Court electronically through AZTurboCourt.