A personal loan agreement is a contract between two parties, generally a borrower and a lender. It outlines how much is borrowed, how it's repaid and more.The Applicant or Guarantor ("Borrower") is responsible for the following costs. A Loan Agreement is a document between a borrower and lender that details a loan repayment schedule. Grantee will hold Eviction Prevention Funds in a separate account and may use Eviction. A supplemental loan agreement is a contract between a borrower and a lender that modifies the terms of an existing loan agreement. To apply for a Construction Miti- gation loan through the Salt Lake City Business Revolving Loan Fund, you will need to complete the following steps. Salt Lake City, Utah 84114. 801.535. Affiant is advised the buyer has submitted an application to Community Development Corporation of Utah. Are you looking for a loan agreement form in Utah?