Want to file online? Use our Online Property Listing System to file your current year listing form.I paid a rent of 19000 for the entire year, ie 12 months and can get the receipts but I forgot the basic thing- Getting a rental agreement made beforehand. They fill out one Form 1116 for wages (general category income) and one Form 1116 for the dividend (passive category income). THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on the date of last signature and deemed effective March. Toown agreement is an alternative way to buy a home, but the process can be complicated and you'll need to take extra precautions. Landlords and their tenants often use North Carolina Lease Agreements for the purpose of defining their tenancy arrangements. If you'd like to increase the rent during the course of a lease, you'll have to note this in the rental agreement. COVID-19 Financial Assistance Program agreement. Double Taxation. Guam.