Learn how to write a resignational letter if you're quitting for personal reasons. Hospitals as listed below.Simply write that you're leaving for "personal reasons" after stating your intent to resign and your last day of employment with the company. • If the employee is resigning from Broward County Public Schools, attach this form to the Separation. If the employee is resigning from Broward County Public Schools, attach this form to the Separation of Employment iForm. These top samples of resignation letters for personal reasons can be used as helpful templates when you are looking to resign due to personal circumstances. Understanding the important parts in a resignation letter can make writing easier and help the document seem more professional. We are pleased that you have joined our Broward Health team and will share in our philosophy of healthcare excellence. Sincerely,. OR I have decided to resign from my current role due to personal reasons. Please also fill out form 8B prior to the meeting whether or not you are able to attend the meeting if you have a conflict with any agenda items.