By Brad Nakase, Attorney. This section discusses the general principles involved in determining whether a given separation is a voluntary leaving or a discharge.A sample form to document an employee's verbal resignation. No, they do not have to pay you for the entire two week period UNLESS something in your contract obligated you to give two weeks notice. EXAMPLES: Example 1: An employee's resignation letter states that he is leaving for a better job. No, employers don't need to keep employees on for the full twoweek period once they receive a resignation letter. When the leave is not foreseeable, the employee must provide notice as soon as practicable in the particular circumstances. In California, Notaries Public are required to notify the Secretary of State in writing, stating their intention to resign. They cannot force you to come to the office to come pick up your final check if you do not want to. You want to give at least a two weeks' notice.