The 72-hour time frame only applies if you were to quit with less than 72 hours notice, which you did not do. California laws say that, in general, you are not required to give your employers two weeks notice – or any notice – prior to quitting or leaving a job.This alone means you should pay out the full notice provided not just the two weeks. California's labor laws do require you to give at least 72 hours' notice if you want your final paycheck at the time you leave. If the resignation was verbal, you may ask the employee to complete a resignation notice to document the conversation. It is not mandatory to accept the resignation in writing. No, they do not have to pay you for the entire two week period UNLESS something in your contract obligated you to give two weeks notice. The accounting department has been notified and you will be paid up to and including Sept. 15, when your notice period would have ended. In many cases, the employer will accept the resignation, however, they might not like it.