Learn how to write a short notice resignation letter with this stepbystep guide, template and examples of formal resignation. It's best to tell your boss that you're moving on to the next step in your career "facetoface or over video call," with at least two weeks' notice.A simple resignation letter format includes a resignation statement, an appropriate notice period, and an expression of gratitude. If you're planning to quit your job here is the compilation of the best resignation letter samples to help you easily draft your resignation letter. Provide at least two weeks' notice when leaving a job (preferably longer; double check requirements with HR). Specify a date and state your intentions clearly. Read below for a sample resignation letter with 24 hours notice. Use this sample to learn how to format your letter and what content to include. Use an attractive header with your personal contact info, include the recipient's name, company and address, and include the date. Below, you'll find a sample resignation letter for quitting a job you haven't started: Dear Name,.