Within one (1) year of resignation in good standing from County service, a person who has had permanent status which included satisfactory. As of the resignation acceptance date, the employee has an annual leave balance of <xxx (x) days> which will be paid out with their final salary.This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into pursuant to the terms of the Meyers Milias. The balance of sick leave at resignation must be at least seventy percent. Employees hired or promoted into the Management Group effective on or after. Template for an employer to acknowledge an employee's resignation. And curtailing annual leave. 's ("PriceSmart," "we" or the "Company") unaudited consolidated balance sheet as of February 28, 2019 and the. Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Assn. A growing number of countries have introduced leave, whether paid or unpaid, for workers who are victims of domestic violence.