This article will address how to write a retirement letter of resignation and provide an example that you can use as a template for your own retirement letter. Your retirement resignation letter should begin with a header that states the contact information of the sender and addressee as well as the date.In the opening paragraph, make it clear that you are retiring. This stepbystep guide shows you how to write a retirement letter to your employer. It also includes FREE templates and examples to help you take action! Use this resignation letter sample as a model to advise your employer that you are resigning because you are leaving the workforce. We work to protect the financial well-being of retirees while preserving the quality of life for them and the people they love. In his resignation letter, he wrote, "Serving the American people as a commissioner of the Federal Election Commission has been a profound honor. It is a located on Lansing Ave. The natural logarithm function, denoted as ln(x), plays a crucial role in various mathematical and scientific fields.