This article will cover some pointers for writing a flawless resignation letter for graduate studies. Learn how to write a 30day resignation letter stepbystep and review sample letters and a template to help you get started on yours.Advice on writing the letter, breaking the news, and other details of your departure. Be Concise and Clear: While expressing gratitude is important, keep the letter concise and to the point. I hope this letter finds you well. Resignation Letter: Provide your supervisor with a resignation letter and send a copy to Human Resources. Due to my personal aspirations of higher studies it would not be feasible for me to stay in the company anymore. They can also answer any query on whether it is compulsory to serve a notice period after resigning from the job. It should include a clear declaration of resignation, the last working day, and a brief explanation of your decision to pursue higher studies. I never wrote letters for jobs like that.